Zen Limited is in the business of manufacturing plywood which is used for various purposes. One day, owing to a short circuit there was a fire in the factory of the company and a large quantity of raw material was damaged. The raw material were insured through an appropriate fire insurance policy. However, receipt of Insurance claim would take time. During this period, the company has to raise funds amounting to Rs 1 crore from external sources to keep the factory running. Advise the company about the sources of raising funds for meeting its requirements with implication of raising funds from these sources.
Answered by
1. Income Method GNPFC = Compensation of employees + Rent + Interest + Undistributed Profits + Dividend + Net
Factor Income from Abroad + Consumption of fixed capital = 1850 + (400 +500 +900 + 200) + (-) 50+ 100 = 3900
CRORE Note: o GNPFC = NNPFC + Consumption of fixed capital o NNPFC = Compensation of employees + Rent +
Interest + Undistributed Profits + Dividend + Net Factor Income from Abroad o Compensation of employees is
income from work which includes wages and salaries in kind and cash, and contribution to social securities
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