(1) Analyse the difference between the ideas of the white man and the
native/tribal people as seen through Chief Seathl's letter. Can
propose a middle path between the two contrasting views of how
the earth should be used?
Finally, the Chief says “We are two distinct races with separate origins and separate destinies”. Give examples to prove this statement.
Or, How does the speaker differentiate his tribe from the white people?
Or, Why can’t the red children and white children become brothers?
Or, Describe the clash of civilization between the Red Indians and the White people.
White men and red men are two distinct races, according to Chief Seattle. He claims that whereas white people appear to forget and distance themselves from their ancestors, red people revere their predecessors' customs and ceremonies as their religion and hold the ashes of their ancestors in high regard. Chief Seattle separates their deity from his as well. There is no one to assist the red people, yet the god of the white folks appears to adore them and grasp their hands like a father loves his son.
Chief Seattle claims that the American white population and the Red Indians are two different races in his speech from 1854. Seattle backs up his claims with specific examples. Native Americans in America are more in tune with nature than are white people. They appreciate nature's beauty and recognize how crucial it is to preserve it. The Native Americans revere their ancestors' ashes and pay respect to them by going to their final resting place. However, as Seattle laments,
White people have no sentimental attachment to their forefathers. Without any remorse, they travel far from their graves. Once more, after they pass away, white folks don't appear to enjoy this earth as much. They thus never return to their people and locations. The indigenous people keep on visiting their family members to provide guidance, comfort, and support because they never forget "this lovely land that gave them being." White people have benefited from all of God's compassion and care in terms of destinies. The tribal people had reached the end of their miserable existence because they were cut off from God's love, wisdom, and protection.