English, asked by ashapatel120919811, 30 days ago

1. Anita and Steven __ (be) in. They Were at the Cinema.

2. We __ (live) in town. We live in the Suburbs.

3. She __ (watch) TV every day.

4. My mother and my aunt __ (be) Members of the Art Society.

5. Those ships from Rio __ (carry) Passengers.

6. He __ (be) pleased with his English Test marks.

7. Lewis __ (be) a timid child.

8. He __ (speak) Tamil.

9. Cyprus and Sicily __ (be) in Asia.

10. Spiders __ (have) six legs. They have Wight legs.

11. We __ (go) to the performance Tonight.

12. You __ (be) present in school Yesterday.

13. The customers are unhappy. They __ (like) the bad food in the restaurant.

14. Steve __ (be) keen on golf. He prefers Tennis.

15. The child has a terrible toothache but She __ (want) to go to the dentist.

16. Judith and her mother __ (be) in France now. They will be there next Week.

17. Maria __ (be) happy with the new Duties she has been given.

18. I __ (have) the address of that Veterinary clinic but Janet has it.

19. Jill __ (be) told of the changes in the Exam time-table and so she missed the Geography paper.

20. The chairman __ (conduct) the Meeting now. He will do it this Afternoon

21. 21. Mrs. Roberts __ (drive) to work Because she gets a lift from her Neighbours.

22. Vijay and Arun are brothers. Vijay Prefers to stay at home. He __ (be) an Ongoing person and he __ (have) many Friends. He __ (play) football and he __ (have) an interest in swimming. He Spends hours on the computer. Sometimes he plays chess with his Father. He finds the chess challenging.

23. His brother Arun is sociable and Enjoys going out with his friends. HE __ (like) to stay at home alone. He Also swims and plays football. Arun __ (believe) in sitting in front of the Computer for too long. He and his Friends __ (be) interested in chess. They __ (understand) how a teenager Like Vijay prefers to stay at home.


Answered by keshariayush04


1. was

2. lived

3. had watched

4. was

5. carried

6. was

7. was

8. spoke

9. was

10. had

11. went

12. was

13. liked

14. was

15. wanted

16. was

17. was

18. had

19. was

20. conducted

21. drove

22. was, had, played, had

23. liked, believed, was, understood

Answered by ankitha7777


  1. are
  2. live
  3. watches
  4. are
  5. carry
  6. was
  7. is
  8. speaks
  9. are
  10. have
  11. go
  12. were
  13. liked
  14. is
  15. wants
  16. are
  17. is
  18. have
  19. had
  20. conducted
  21. drives
  22. is,had,plays,has,
  23. likes, believes,are,understood

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