Social Sciences, asked by Anikeshs, 1 year ago

1)Discuss The Effects of the permanent settlement on the zamindars and peasent

Guys Pls Ans this question urgently


Answered by Avvarusridevi
Cornwallis resorted to Permanent Settlement for the good of the farmers . 
               The Permanent Settlement adversely affected the income of the company as the revenue was fixed quite on the low side due to lack of proper measurement
                It benefited only the landlords and the condition of the farmers could not be improved as much as was expected. The poor farmers continued to be the victims of the harassments of the landlords who exploited them for their own selfish motives. This settlement also proved harm full for the landlords who failed to deposit the required revenue in the royal treasury in time. As a result, their land was sold off. 
                  The British government expected that with the implementation of permanent settlement the income of the company would increase tremendously but their expectations were not fulfilled. The landlords became indolent and led luxurious lives due to their richness. They did not pay proper attention to their lands and left them to their employees who made no serious efforts for the improvement of agricultural produce.
                       The peasants continued to be at the receiving end of the cruelties of the landlords. They continued to realise the maximum revenue from the peasants and deposited only the minimum in the treasury of the company. It hurt the national feeling of the people because this system created a special class of zamindars in the country who became the true devotees of the English. This class did not support the people during the war of independence.

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