Biology, asked by arvind3657, 1 year ago

1 Exercise
I Cheese correct option
4 Dierende between the dosad
À Which is the dominant phase in Plan
a. Capsule
b. Gamtophyte
o Type of roots
o. Sporophyte d Embryo
b. Venouion in the leaves
B. The tallest Irving gymnosperm among
c. Symmetry of flower
the following is
6 mwer the following questi
a. Seguia sempervirens
A We observe that land becomes bam
b. Turodi c romatum
soon after monsoon. But in the
c. Zamia pigmed
monsoon it flourishes
d Ginkgo biloba
varieties we observed in some
C. In Bryophytes
How you think it takes plac
a Sporophyte and gametophyte
B. Fem is a vascular plan ve
n are independent
considered a Phanerogam. Why?
b. Sporophyte is partially dependent
C. Chlamydomonas is micro w herous
upon gametophyte
Sargam is more badane
c. Gametophyte is dependent upon
algoe. Which characters of the plants
includes them in one group
d. Gimigo biloba
D. Which of the following noms will not
D. A characteristic of Angiosperm is
be enclosed in for what are the
e Collateral vascular bundles
peculiar characteristics of these plans
b. Radial vascular bundles
Betel nut Arecum pe wat
c. Seed fomation
almond, cashew nutmeg
d. Double fertilization
E Angiosperms and Gymnosperms 6. Girth of a Moize plantes not increase
resemble in having
over a period of time
a Vessels in wood
Radha observed a plant in roman
b. Mode of nutrition
on the compound wall of school The
c. Siphonogamy
plant did not have true
d. Nature of seed
structures were presenta
was absent to which group the
How you place the pea jawor and fern
may belong?
at its proper systemutie position "Drowa
flow chart with example of
3. Complete the following table
Groups of algae Chlorophyceae Phaeophyceae
1 Stored food
2 Cell Wall
Cellulose and algin
3. Moor pigments
Chl-a, d and Phyty​


Answered by mukut3134




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