English, asked by iamatifalirajpoot, 8 months ago

1. His prophet hood is universal.
2. He is seal of prophet hood.
3. Deen is completed upon him.
4. A position of praise and glory will be granted to him on the Day of Resurrection.
Describe comprehensively above mentioned characteristics of Holy Prophet Muhammad
peace be upon only with the reference of Holy Quran.


Answered by Patelkumar


past is never compete with present, if have ability to compete there would never change.

Answered by anurimasingh22


As per reference with Holy Quran, Holy Prophet Muhammad is of universality with him being the seal of prophet hood. He is the last divine of Prophet of Allah Almighty. He further states that on the day of Resurrection, praise and glory will be granted to Mustafa(s.a.w.)


The first statement states in the holy Quran, that Holy Prophet Muhammad is the last of Prophets and him being the last, his Prophet hood suffices all humanity uptill the end of this world, thereby his Prophet Hood is universal which shall lasts eternity.

The second statement, envisages as quote, "Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets” . This depicts him the Holy Prophet as Khata-mun-nabyeen, signifying his prophet hood as the seal.

The third statement is about Deen –e- islam is the Deen of Allah and Mustafa (s.a.w), so the deen completed upon Him.

The fourth statement is about the Day of Ressurection, when the judgement will be done He will be intercession cause as Allah created the world for praise of Mustafa(s.a.w.) and so does the position of praise and glory will be granted to Mustafa (s.a.w).

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