Geography, asked by PrincessNumera, 11 months ago

1) Mention the physical features of Ganga Brahmaputra basin
2) "Life of the people of amazon basin is slowly changing" Justify
3) Paddy is grown in the Ganga Brahmaputra plain. Give reason
4) Flood frequently occur in Ganga basin. Give reason

7th grade


Answered by DevilDoll12
 ʜεყᴀ Pʀɪɴcᴇss ❗


→»Before coming to these questions , let's know what is a River basin :

★ʀɪvεʀ Bᴀsɪɴ : A portion of Land that is drained by a River and its tributaries compromises a River basin . Here we are basically talking of the Amazon River Basin and the Ganga - Brahmaputra Basin .

Quεs1. > Mention the physical features of Ganga - Brahmaputra Basin .

ᴀɴs.1 >

→›Known as the second highest hydrological region , this basin has been one of the oldest nurturing part for the people .

→›It is situated at 10° N to 30° N latitudes in the sub tropical region .

→›It is formed by the adjoining tributaries of River Ganga and the Brahmaputra.

»Ganga :- Ghagra , Son , Chambal and Kosi
»Brahmaputra :- Meghna and Testa

→›As it lies in the sub tropical region , the climate is hot in summers and cool in winters .

→›It is a monsoon dominated area . It experiences heavy rains in the month of June and September .

→›It is home to a splendid variety of Animals ( Tigers , elephants , deers ) Plants ( Sal , Teek and Peepal)

→›The population of the basin varies . The mountains are less populated due to harsh terrain but the plains are densely populated due to fertile land .

★All in one , this basin is one of the most fantabulous example of Human interaction with nature !

Quεs2.> "Life of the people in Amazon basin is slowly changing ".

→> The life of the people in the Amazon basin is highly changing. Due to the rapid advancements in Technologies and modernisation of lifestyles, New ways of livelihood have come up . Transportation facilities have improved to a great extent . The region which was once inaccessible can now be accessed through the TʀAɴs - Amazon Highway .

→› Also , the rapidly increasing demands has lead to degrading ecology . Developmental activities are putting unnecessary pressure which has lead to the degradation of the Rainforests .

★Thus , this changing scenario is having both its positive as well as negative impacts on the basin .


Quεs3.> Paddy is grown in the Ganga - Brahmaputra region .
→›› Paddy needs a rich supply of water for its growth . and the Ganga - Brahmaputra is a monsoon dominated area . Moreover , the land available in the plain region is quiet fertile that supports the growth of this crop .

★Hence owing to these factors , paddy is grown here . Other crops grown include -: Wheat , Maize , Millets , Jute and sugarcane .


Quεs4.> Flood frequently occur in the Ganga Basin . Give Reason .


→›› One major reason is that it is a monsoon dominated area hence water usually escapes through its boundaries causing natural flooding .

→››Another main reason is the large scale felling of trees ( deforestation ) carried out to meet the needs of increasing population . This has lead to uncontrolled flooding in the region though necessary steps are being adopted for the management .



PrincessNumera: Your answer is ..... fantabulous,superb,amazing
DevilDoll12: My Pleasure Princess :D
Anonymous: Thanka for answering, it's amazing :)
DevilDoll12: Thanka for appreciating :p Dil Garden Garden kr diya...xD
Answered by amritanshu6
The main features of this river basin are:

A fertile belt that includes most of north and east India.

Rich source of alluvial soil.

Number of ox-bow lakes over the plains.

Bounded on the north by the mountains and foothills of the Himalayas.

On east, lies the famed Sundarbans delta.

Anonymous: Reply me
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