English, asked by casinghakshita, 5 hours ago

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

1. The most beautiful humming birds are found in the West Indies and South America. The crest of the tiny head of one of these shines like a sparkling crown of coloured light. The shades of colour that adorn its breast are equally brilliant. As the bird flits from one object to another, it looks more like a bright flash of sunlight than it does like a living being.

2. But, you ask, why are they called humming birds? It is because they make a soft, humming noise by the rapid motion of their wings—a motion so rapid, that as they fly, you can hardly see that they have wings. One day when walking in the woods, I found the nest of one of the smallest humming birds. It was about half the size of a very small hen and lays egg, and it was attached to a twig no thicker than a steel knitting needle. It seemed to have been made of cotton fibres and was covered with the softest bits of leaf and bark. It had two eggs in it, and each was about as large as a small sugarplum.
3. When you approach the spot where one of these birds has built its nest, it is necessary to be careful. The mother bird will dart at you and try to peck your eyes. Its sharp beak may hurt your eyes most severely and even destroy your sight.

4. The poor little thing knows no other way of defending its young, and instinct teaches it that you might carry off its nest if you find it.

a.) The most beautiful ………………………………… birds are found in the West Indies and South America.
(b) They are called humming birds because they make humming noise by the rapid ………………………………… of their wings.
(c) The nest of the humming bird was about ………………………………… the size of a very small hen.
d) The shades of colour that adorn the breast of the humming bird is quite brilliant. (True/False)
(e) The nest of the humming bird is made of silk fibres and covered with bits of hay and bark. (True/False)
f) Pick from the passage the synonym for ‘dash’ (para 3)
(g) You can hardly see that the humming birds have wings because of the:
(i) rapid motion of their wings as they fly.
(ii) humming noise as they fly.
(iii) shining colour of their wings.
(iv) invisible wings due to a bright flash of sunlight.

h. The mother bird will dart at you and try to peck your eyes when you:
(i) throw stones at her nest.
(ii) approach the spot where the nest is built.
(iii) try to steal her eggs from the nest.
(iv) threaten the bird near her nest.
2. Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions-

Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention. And Indian doctors have been quite creative when hamstrung by few or no tools to perform specific surgeries. They simply design it themselves at one-fourth the price they are sold abroad. In fact, some of their innovations are priced at as much as hundreds of dollars abroad.

Take 47-year-old Dr Burjor P Banaji, pioneer of Lasik surgery in India. He’s invented over a dozen surgical instruments. When this senior eye surgeon at Max Eye Care started Lasik, there were few surgeons doing it worldwide and no specific instruments were available either. “As I want things super-perfect, I designed a whole slew of instruments that made my surgery more efficient,” says Banaji. The most popular instruments are Banaji Lasik Shield and Banaji Lasik Spatula and Canulae. “It was simple. I had the designs in my head. Putting them down on paper was the simplest thing,” he says. Instruments manufacturers and large multinationals in the US snapped them up. “They would send me computer generated drawings which I would correct and send back. Their level of execution was astounding. Within two weeks of the designs being finalised, the instruments were in the world market.”
His instruments are priced at hundreds of dollars each in the US, and are also sold in Switzerland, South America, Korea, Eastern Europe, Africa and Japan. They’re available in India at a fraction of the price.

Q1: Why have some Indian doctors created their own surgical tools?
(i) they have no tools to perform specific surgeries
(ii) they have a hamstring problem
(iii) the tools they get from abroad cost four times as much
(iv) they can sell these tools at a very high price.

Q2: What has Dr Burjor P Banaji created?
(i) Lasik surgery
(ii) Max Eye Care Centre
(iii) two surgical instruments called Banaji Lasik Shield and Banaji Lasik Spatula and Canulae
(iv) more than a dozen instruments for operating on the eye.

Q3: Where does Dr Banaji get the instruments manufactured?
(i) India
(ii) the United States of America
(iii) Switzerland
(iv) Japan

Q4: The term hamstrung refers to ……………………………
(i) restricted
(ii) helped
(iii) harmed
(iv) liberated

Q5: What does the phrase slew of instruments refer to?
(i) a wide range of instruments
(ii) instruments used for slaying
(iii ) tools of a similar nature
(iv) surgical instrument​


Answered by Tanvilamba


so answer of (a) is humming ( b) motion (c) the half (d) true (e) false because that was not made from silk . (f) that is dart not dash . (g) i rapid motion as they fly. (h) when you approach the spot where nest is built .

2 . i they have no tools to perform these speecific surgereis .

ques 2 . more than dozen of instrruments to operate eyes.

ques 3. india

ques 4. restricted

ques 5 surgical instrument .

Answered by rrmohan74


1. i) they have no tools to perform specific surgeries

2. iv) more than a dozen instruments for operating on the eye.

3. i) India

4. i) restricted

5. i) a wide range of instruments

hope you got the answer

please mark me as brainlielist

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