Science, asked by luca, 1 year ago

1.what are the different type of ER ???????? which form close the mitochondria release energy?????????write its full form.


Answered by praneethvarma18
ER means endo plasmic reticulum.Mitochondria release energy in the form of ADP adinocine di phosphate.first it will produce as ATP adinocine tri phosphate,and then later when we require it,it will change to ADP.only 2 types of endoplasmic reticulums are there
Answered by keerthika1998lekha
1.Endoplasmic reticulum is of two types:
Rough ER and Smooth ER
Rough ER - contains ribosomes.They synthesize proteins.
Smooth ER - do not contain 
ribosomes.Transpot proteins to golgi apparatus.

2.Mitochondria release energy on the form of ATP molecules.
ATP -Adenosine triphosphate

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