CBSE BOARD XII, asked by elsatitus30, 10 months ago

1) What do you understand by Syntactic value ? Explain with example.

2) Define Informational search and give an example

3) What do you understand by Truncation search ? If truncation mark is "*" and
you are searching "India*" then, what kind of result you will get ?

4) How do a searcher execute the Search Strategy ? Explain.​


Answered by BearKnight


consisting of or noting morphemes that are combined in the same order as they would be if they were separate words in a corresponding construction: The word blackberry, which consists of an adjective followed by a noun, is a syntactic compound.

Examples include noun phrases and verb phrases. Syntactic category can include both lexcical categories and phrasal categories. According to some definitions, lexical category only deals with nouns, verbs, adjective and, depending on who you ask, prepositions. ... adposition (preposition, postposition)

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