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Final Answer :

It will be meaningless Question if you are not equating Given ODE = 0
So ,
Edit: ODE (given) = 0
Now, Solving this ODE,
Question Edit:
Concepts :
1) Substitution Method of Integrals.
2) Integration of

Steps involved :
1) Factorise the Square root expression.
2) Put 1+x^2=t^2
3) Solve in terms of t and y and then use
above integral indentity whose proof can be
derived by substituting t = sin a .
For Calculation Process :
See Pic attached to it.
Hope, you understand my answer and it may helps you.
It will be meaningless Question if you are not equating Given ODE = 0
So ,
Edit: ODE (given) = 0
Now, Solving this ODE,
Question Edit:
Concepts :
1) Substitution Method of Integrals.
2) Integration of
Steps involved :
1) Factorise the Square root expression.
2) Put 1+x^2=t^2
3) Solve in terms of t and y and then use
above integral indentity whose proof can be
derived by substituting t = sin a .
For Calculation Process :
See Pic attached to it.
Hope, you understand my answer and it may helps you.

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