10.6 Adaptations
In biology, adaptation is a
dynamic evolutionary process
that fits organisms to their
environment and enhancing
their evolutionary fitness, .
Adaptations can be a phenotypic or adaptive
trait with a functional role in each individual
organism that is maintained and has
been evolved by natural selection. The adaptive
traits may be structural adaptation, behavioural
adaptation and physiological adaptation,
Here is your answer
Adaptations can be a phenotypic or adaptive
Adaptations can be a phenotypic or adaptivetrait with a functional role in each individual
Adaptations can be a phenotypic or adaptivetrait with a functional role in each individualorganism that is maintained and has
Adaptations can be a phenotypic or adaptivetrait with a functional role in each individualorganism that is maintained and hasbeen evolved by natural selection. The adaptive
Adaptations can be a phenotypic or adaptivetrait with a functional role in each individualorganism that is maintained and hasbeen evolved by natural selection. The adaptivetraits may be structural adaptation, behavioural
Adaptations can be a phenotypic or adaptivetrait with a functional role in each individualorganism that is maintained and hasbeen evolved by natural selection. The adaptivetraits may be structural adaptation, behaviouraladaptation and physiological adaptation,