Economy, asked by ninnonino143, 10 months ago

12. What is random sampling? What are its merits and demeritsn?


Answered by purvajaiswal520


random samples are the best method of selecting your sample from the population of interest. The advantages are that your sample should represent the target population and eliminate sampling bias, but the disadvantage is that it is very difficult to achieve (i.e. time, effort and money.

Answered by mini687


Random sampling method refers to a method in which every item in the universe has an equal chance of being selected.

It is also known as Probability Sampling or Representative Sampling.

There is no room for discrimination in random sampling.

Following Are The Merits Of Random Sampling:

(1) No Personal Bias

Selection of various items in the sample remains free from the personal bias of the investigator.

(2) Based On Probability

Due to the random character of the sample, the rules of probability are applicable.

(3) Increasingly Representative Of The Population

As the size of a random sample increases, it becomes more and more representative of the population.

(4) Accuracy Can Be Assessed

The accuracy can be assessed with the help of the magnitude of sampling errors.

(c) Following are some of the demerits of random sampling:

(1) Not Suitable For Small Samples

It may not reflect the true characteristics of the population if the sample is small.

(2) Difficult To Prepare Sampling Frame

The selection of a random sample requires the preparation of a Sampling Frame, which may be difficult for a large or an infinite population.

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