Computer Science, asked by tanveerahmad450450, 7 months ago

جانداروں میں تبدیلیاں
تمام جانداروں کے بچے اپنے والدین سے کسی نہ کی طرح ملتے جلتے ہیں۔ پودے ہوں یا از
بڑے ہوکر اپنے والدین جیسے ہی ہو گئے ۔ انسان کا پرانسان ایسا ہی ہوگا اور اس کا پودا آم کے درخت سے
جلتا ہوا


Answered by edifyknpbprajwal027



dfghxxhage given below and answer the questions that follow (1 2marks)

Probably the most important of all man's inventions after the invention of language itself w

of writing. Writing makes it possibleage given below and answer the questions that follow (1 2marks)

Probably the most important of all man's inventions after the invention of language itself w

of writing. Writing makes it possibledgfdggage given below and answer the questions that follow (1 2marks)

Probably the most important of all man's inventions after the invention of language itself w

of writing. Writing makes it possibleage given below and answer the questions that follow (1 2marks)

Probably the most important of all man's inventions after the invention of language itself w

of writing. Writing makes it possibleage given below and answer the questions that follow (1 2marks)

Probably the most important of all man's inventions after the invention of language itself w

of writing. Writing makes it possibleage given below and answer the questions that follow (1 2marks)

Probably the most important of all man's inventions after the invention of language itself w

of writing. Writing makes it possible

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