2. “Envy slays itself by its own arrow." From the story you've read (pretty girl and the seven jealous women), do you agree with this quote? Explain.
Envy is directed toward people close to us, not those who are distant.
It grows naturally in relationships between people who are equals. Two people of the same age and similar interests feel envy most keenly. Doctors envy doctors. Lawyers envy lawyers. Neighbors envy neighbors. Salespersons envy salespersons. The closer a situation comes to matching your own identity, the higher the stakes become and the more likely envy is to erupt.
The Greek proverb is correct, “Envy slays itself by its own arrows.” Envy is deadly because it will not let us live happily. It robs us of joy. It will not let us be satisfied with what we have or be grateful for our talents and personal qualities. It becomes a barrier to the celebration of who we are. It cheats us from blessings.
Hope this helps.