English, asked by hardeepbamrah2, 6 months ago

2. Precis writing : Write a Precis of the following paragraph in your own words and
given a suitable title:

We sometime think that it would be very to have no work to do. How we envy rich people
who have no work for their living, but can do just what they please all the year round! Yet
when we feel like this we make mistake. Sometimes, rich people are not as happy as we
think they are, because they are tired of having nothing to do. Most of us are happy as we
think they are, because they are tired of having nothing to do. Most of us are happy when
we have regular work to do for our living, especially when the work is what we like to do.
The first thing work does for us is to give us happiness. The work gives us self-respect. The idler, however, rich he is lives on thework of others. He is like the beggar in the streets
who takes the money of others, who work hard to earn it Such people ought to feel
ashamed of themselves.​


Answered by aimankhan71


Mark me as BRAINLIST.



There are many people in the world who have their own lives. Some of them are rich some are poor some are hard workers and some are jealous, some are exhausted by their boring routine and some feel proud to make a living. Many people find their happiness in their work because they are able to do what they love to do. It's just the case of thinking, life seems better if we think it in a different way. That's all.

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