20 Differences between Archae bacteris
and Badenia ?
Archaea: They are single-celled organisms that comprise cells with distinct properties that make them unique from the other two domains of life, namely Eukaryota and Bacteria.
Bacteria: They are single-celled organisms that usually live in a diverse environment. Bacterial DNA called the nucleoid are a twisted thread-like mass that flows free. They even possess a cellular structure that executes a range of circular functions that involves the transfer of energy to the transportation of proteins. Bacteria consist of plasmids which are a circular piece of DNA.
Reproduction and Growth
• Archaea ;- Asexual Reproduction, by the process of fragmentation, budding and binary fission
• Bacteria ;- Asexual Reproduction. Eubacteria produces spore to stay latent for several years.
Cell Membrane
• Archaea ;- Pseudopeptidogly can
• Bacteria ;- Lipopolysaccharide/ Peptidogly can
Metabolism Activity
• Archaea ;-Methanogenesis
• Bacteria ;- Autotrophy, Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration, Fermentation and Photosynthesis
• Archaea ;- Consists of three RNA
• Bacteria ;- Consists of single RNA
Thriving Habitat
• Archaea ;- Can sustain in extremely harsh environment such as oceans, hot springs, marshlands, hot springs and gut of humans
• Bacteria ;- They are generally found in soil, organic matter, earth’s crust, water, bodies of animals and plants, radioactive wastes, hot springs etc