28th question solve this friends

1. Toothpastes are generally basic in nature. Why ?
→ In our mouth, certain types of acids are released which can cause tooth decay. For its prevention, tooth pastes are generally basic in nature so as to neutralise the acid.
2. Soil near the industries producing sulphuric acid is acidic. Why ?
→ Sulphuric acid is a proton donor. Hence, it is possible that proton donor gets added to the soil. As we know that, collection of hydrogen cationic ion or proton results in the reduction of pH. Hence, soil near such proton donor acids makes it acidic.
3. The pH value of our stomach is generally less than seven. Why ?
→ Acidic medium in stomach is necessary for digestion of food we eat.
This acidic medium is created by the secretion of concentrated hydrochloric acid. This makes an enzyme pepsin activates and also kills the bacteria which comes in our stomach along with food we digest.