3. Draw a flowchart for calculating grade from marks percentage.
Find the grade of a student by reading marks or by taking Percentage. Here we are assuming greater than 80 percentage or marks as grade A, if the Marks are between 80-60 Grade is B, if the marks are between 60-40 grade is C, If student got marks below 40 it means he is Failed.
Algorithm :
Step 1 : start
Step 2 : read marks or Percentage
Step 3 : if marks >= 80 then grade =A, go to step 7
Step 4 : if marks >= 60 and marks <=80 then grade = B, go to step 7
Step 5 : if marks >=40 and marks <=60 then grade = C go to step 7
Step 6 : display failed
Step 7 : display grade.
Step 8 : stop.
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Answer: The flowchart provided below is a simple example of how one might structure a flowchart for calculating a grade from a percentage mark. The flowchart starts with an input box labeled "Input Percentage Mark", then a decision diamond shape is used to check if the input percentage mark is greater than or equal to 90. If it is, the grade is A, otherwise, another decision diamond shape is used to check if the input percentage mark is greater than or equal to 80. If it is, the grade is B, otherwise, another decision diamond shape is used to check if the input percentage mark is greater than or equal to 70. If it is, the grade is C, otherwise, the grade is D. Finally, the flowchart ends with an "End" box that connects to all the grade output boxes.
Explanation: 1) Start by creating a box labeled "Input Percentage Mark"
2)Next, create a diamond shape labeled "Decision"
3)Connect the "Input Percentage Mark" box to the "Decision" diamond shape
4)Inside the "Decision" diamond shape, create two branches: one labeled ">=90" and the other "<90"
5)For the branch labeled ">=90", create a box labeled "Grade: A" and connect it to the "Decision" diamond shape
6)For the branch labeled "<90", create another diamond shape labeled "Decision"
7)Connect the "<90" branch of the first "Decision" diamond shape to the second "Decision" diamond shape
8)Inside the second "Decision" diamond shape, create two branches: one labeled ">=80" and the other "<80"
9)For the branch labeled ">=80", create a box labeled "Grade: B" and connect it to the second "Decision" diamond shape
10) For the branch labeled "<80", create another diamond shape labeled "Decision"
11) Connect the "<80" branch of the second "Decision" diamond shape to the third "Decision" diamond shape
12) Inside the third "Decision" diamond shape, create two branches: one labeled ">=70" and the other "<70"
13) For the branch labeled ">=70", create a box labeled "Grade: C" and connect it to the third "Decision" diamond shape
14) For the branch labeled "<70", create a box labeled "Grade: D" and connect it to the third "Decision" diamond shape
Finally, create an "End" box and connect it to the "Grade: A", "Grade: B", "Grade: C" and "Grade: D" boxes
This is a simple example of how you might structure a flowchart for calculating a grade from a percentage mark. You can further expand it and make it more complex based on your requirements.
Learn more about flowchart here - https://brainly.in/question/48378124
Learn more about how do create flowchart here - https://brainly.in/question/5704107
Project code- #SPJ3