CBSE BOARD XII, asked by jaynarayanp071, 5 months ago

4.the process of deco ding the ancient scripte is called decipherment

The period when early man did not know the all
deals with sequence of dates and events.
State whether the following statements are True or False.
1. The years after the birth of Jesus Christ is written as B.C.
2. Upanishads, Vedas and Mahabharata are religious literary sources.
3. Geographical features also influence the history of India.
4. The process of decoding the ancient scripts is called decipherment.
5. History helps us to understand the past in order to avoid mistakes in the future.
Short Answer Questions
That is history?
ame four great personalities who taught to us human values.
ame the two great Indian epics.
hat is the difference between prehistory and history?
efine the term 'decipherment'.
nd by the following terms:​


Answered by ishikabhardwaj2007

Sorry I am not able to answer this question but

Merry Christmas in advance......

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