Math, asked by vijaykumar8424www, 5 months ago

5. CE 622
(e) Holy book of
State whether the following statements are True or Fals
1. Muhammad was born at Medina.
2 The Abbasids ruled for 500 years.
3. A Muslim should not worship an idol.
4. Abu Bakr was the last Khalifa
5. The Ottoman Turks Captured Constantinople in CE 14
Answer the following questions briefly.
1 Discuss the early life of Muhammad.​


Answered by keerthanareddy3835


1)Muhammad is traditionally said to have been born in 570 in Mecca and to have died in 632 in Medina, where he had been forced to emigrate to with his adherents in 622.





5)Childhood. Muhammad was born around the year 570 CE to the Banu Hashim clan of the Quraysh tribe, one of Mecca's prominent families. ... At the age of six, Muhammad lost his biological mother, Amina, to illness and was raised by his paternal grandfather, Abd al-Muttalib, until he died when Muhammad was eight.

Answered by kaushikgiri2011



1. Until mid - life , Prophet Muhammad lived the life of a prosperous trader . In CE 610 , Muhammad had his spiritual experience and became a prophet . He called himself the messenger of the supreme being - Allah , whose message he had to spread .

2. Teachings of Muhammad are:-

i) There is no God but Allah , Muhammad is his Prophet .

ii) Five pillars Shahada , Salat , Zakaat , Sawm and Haj .

iii) Muslims should not worship an idol and must not lend money on interest .

iv) He should lead a life of virtue and benevolence .

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Question and answer no.- 3 to 5 is there and MCQs also.

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