5. Change the narrative style of the following text.
The teacher became very angry with the students and said, "Why
have you again disturbed the class this way? I have told you before
that when I am speaking: you should be silent. Leave the room and
don't return again today." "We are extremely sorry sir. Please
pardon us, "They said.
The teacher became very angry with the students and said, "Why
The teacher became very angry with the students and said, "Whyhave you again disturbed the class this way? I have told you before
The teacher became very angry with the students and said, "Whyhave you again disturbed the class this way? I have told you beforethat when I am speaking: you should be silent. Leave the room and
The teacher became very angry with the students and said, "Whyhave you again disturbed the class this way? I have told you beforethat when I am speaking: you should be silent. Leave the room anddon't return again today." "We are extremely sorry sir. Please
The teacher became very angry with the students and said, "Whyhave you again disturbed the class this way? I have told you beforethat when I am speaking: you should be silent. Leave the room anddon't return again today." "We are extremely sorry sir. Pleasepardon us, "They said.