English, asked by jasminekharanger, 1 day ago

50 difficult word from English newspaper
please Find 50 difficult word from English newspaper . Quick Fast please . ​


Answered by sumatikonsan


Here is the list of 50 Difficult new English Words with Meanings:

Abnegation -Renouncing a belief or doctrine

Aggrandize-enhance power, wealth or status

Alacrity -eagerness

Anachronistic -misplaced chronologically

Archetypal -quintessential of a certain kind

Ascetic -one who practices self-denial as part of spiritual discipline

Beguile -influence someone in a deceptive way

Blandishment -intentional flattery for persuasion

Cajole -persuade by flattery or coaxing

Callous -disregard for others

Camaraderie -a sense of solidarity arising out of familiarity and sociability

Circumlocution -expressing someone in an indirect way

Clamor -proclaim something noisily

Cognizant -awareness or realization

Construe -interpret or assign meaning

Convivial -enjoyable atmosphere or jovial company

Demagogue -a political leader who uses rhetoric to appeal to prejudices and desires of ordinary citizens

Denigrate -belittle someone

Didactic -instructive with a moral intent

Disparate -of a distinct kind

Eclectic -deriving the best ideas and styles from a diverse range of sources

Egregious -reprehensible or outrageously bad

Embezzlement -misappropriation of funds.

Enervate -lacking in vitality or mentally/ morally drained.

Ephemeral– lasting for a short duration

Equanimity -maintaining composure in stressful situations

Fatuous -devoid of intelligence

Gratuitous -uncalled for or unwarranted

Iconoclast -someone who criticizes or attacks cherished ideas and beliefs

Idiosyncratic -something peculiar to an individual

Incumbent -something that is morally binding

Inveterate -habitual

Libertarian -someone who cherishes ideas of free will

Licentious -someone who is promiscuous

Mendacious -deceitful

Multifarious -multifaceted or diverse

Obdurate -being stubborn and refusing to change one’s opinion

Ostracism -excluding a person or certain section from society by majority consent

Pejorative -showing disapproval

Pertinacious -someone who is stubbornly unyielding

Phlegmatic -expressing little or no emotion

Promulgate-to broadcast or announce

Quotidian -something that is of daily occurrence

Recalcitrant -resistant to authority

Sanctimonious -the pretense of being morally pious to exhibit moral superiority

Solipsism -the philosophical theory that only the self-existence is known and all that exists

Travesty -distorting facts or imitation

Ubiquitous -omnipresent or existing everywhere

Vicissitude – an unwelcome or unpleasant change in circumstances or fortune

Vociferous -something or someone who is offensively/ conspicuously loud.

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