6. Pre Covid 19. you were running a successful business as a retailer employing six
persons. After Covid-19, you are facing the problem of lack of labour supply as four
of your workers have moved back to their home towns and new workers are also not
available because of labour shortage in general. You are familiar with the concept of
downsizing and use of information technology in running the business. How are you
going to use them in turning the challenges being faced into opportunity of
technology based business?
Global: Business and Human Rights Research Centre (BHRRC) reports that their country analysis for 10 major garment exporting Asian countries reveals human rights abuses faced by garment workers in Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. In all 10 countries, reports indicate that some garment workers have not been paid wages. In 4/10 countries, protests over unpaid wages have been met with harsh crackdowns, and, in 7/10 countries, reports reveal lack of COVID-19 safety precautions in garment factories.
Media report that, according to World Bank data, the coronavirus pandemic may have driven as many as 100 million people back into extreme poverty. The Bank previously estimated that 60 million people would fall into extreme poverty due to COVID-19, but the new estimate puts the deterioration at 70 to 100 million, and the Bank's president warned that the "number could go higher" if the pandemic worsens.