Biology, asked by 6301323009, 1 year ago

Day by day population is increasing. But the cultivated land is very limited. To
produce required quantity of food for the growing population, what are the
possible solutions in your view?


Answered by saad12521

Frist of all we have to increase the amount of water more and more

and give best fartilaizars in our

crops and and save our crops againts

the mud deases save them againts

the incets

Answered by bratislava

Increase in popualtion may lead to increase of resource consumption.


  • The increase of population over the world takes place in a geometrical ratio and the increase in food and subsidence takes place in an arithmetic ratio.  
  • This was stated by R.Malthus as a population theory and is still validates the concept of the impact of population upon food resources.  
  • In order to find a possible solution to the problem, we need to use resources sustainably and conserve the natural resources so that there is sufficient food for us to sustain in the future. Example of gene banks.

Learn more about the Day by day population is increasing. But the cultivated land is very limited. To  produce required quantity of food for the growing population, what are the  possible solutions in your view.

  • answered by saad12521.
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