8. Write the word ‘ MATHEMATICS’ using line segments and observe the number of right angles, number of angles more than a right angle and number of angles less than a right angle.
Right Angle: An angle whose measure is equal to 90°
If measure of an Angle is less than 90°, then it is an Acute Angle
If measure of an Angle is more than 90° but less than 180°, then it is an Obtuse angle.
Figure is attached.
from Figure, we have
No of Right angle = 12 ( twelve )
No of angles less than 90° = 8 ( eight )
No of angles greater than 90° = 4 ( four )

Concept: Right angles are those angles which measures 90°.
Acute angles are those angles which measures less than 90°.
Obtuse angles are those angles which measures more than 90°.
Find: Find the numbers of right angles, acute angles and obtuse angle.
Right angled letters are T, H, E, T, C, S.
Numbers of right angles are 12.
Acute angled letters are M, A, M, A.
Number of acute angles are 8.
Obtuse angled letters are A, A.