9. Three bulbs of 25 W, 40 W and 100 W respectively are connected (a) in series, and (b) in parallel to a voltage
source. Which physical quantity is same through the bulbs in two arrangements?
10. What is the cause of heat produced in a resistor when a current is flown through it?
11. List three factors on which amount of heat produced in a resistor due to an electric current depends.
12. Define 1 kWh. What is its value in joules?
G. Solve the following Numerical Problems
1. Calculate the current in a circuit if a charge of 600 C passes through it in 20 minutes.
2. A current of 80 uA flows in the filament of an X-ray tube. How many electrons are crossing a cross-section
of filament per second?
Given that charge on an electron = 1.6 x 10-19 C.
3. Find the electric potential at a point if 0.002 J work is to be done to bring a 40 uC charge from infinity to that
4. The heating coil of a geyser draws a current of 7,5 A when connected to a source maintaining a potential
difference of 200 V between its terminals. What is the resistance of the coil?
5. Calculate the resistance of a constantan wire of length 2.0 m and radius 0.1 mm. Given that resistivity of
constantan is 49 * 10-8 2 m.
6. The resistance of a given wire is 24 2. What will be its new resistance if (a) only the length of a conductor
is increased to 3 times of its original length, and (b) only the cross-section area of the wire is doubled?
7. Find the effective resistance if three resistances R1 = 122, R2 = 22 and R3 = 3 12 are connected in (a) series,
and (b) parallel
8. What possible values of resultant resistance are possible by combining two resistors R, = 42 and R2 = 12 s?
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