Science, asked by Mohitgear5127, 1 year ago

A neutral organic compound X of molecular formula C2H6O on oxidation with acidified potassium dichromate gives an acidic compound Y.Compound X reacts wth compound Y on warming in the presence of conc.H2SO4 to give a sweet smelling substance Z. Identifiy X,Y and Z. Write the chemical equation for the reactions involved.


Answered by NancyLakra006
X is ethanol (C2H5OH)
Y is ethanoic acid (CH3COOH)
Z is ethyl ethanoate (CH3COOC2H5)

First reaction oxidation
C2H5OH -------> CH3COOH

Second reaction esterification
CH3COOH + C2H5OH ----> CH3COOC2H5 + H2O
Answered by fistshelter

The compounds are as follow:--

Compound X is ethanol.

Compound Y is ethanoic acid.

Compound Z is ester ethyl ethanoate.

●Compound X with formula C2H6O follow CnH2n+2O which is general formula of alcohol and an alcohal with two carbon is ethanol.

●On oxidation with potassium dichromate alcohol gives an acid as K2Cr2O7 is strong oxidising agent so acid with two carbon is ethanoic acid.It is oxidation reaction.

●Compound X and Y when warmed by conc.H2SO4 give sweet smelling substance which is ester as formed by reaction between alcohol and acid and this reaction is known as esterification reaction .

●So compound ester of 4 carbons is ethylethanoate.

●Reactions are as follow


(Oxidation reaction)


(esterification reaction)

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