a quarrel take place due to misunderstanding paragraph
They run from one end of the playground to the other end of the playground. They measure the time to complete the run. They repeat the run with umbrellas (a) Class 7 write down their results. no umbrella = 10 seconds with umbrella = 14 seconds no umbrella = 8 seconds with umbrella = 9 seconds no umbrella = 7 seconds with umbrella = 13 seconds no umbrella = 11 seconds with umbrella = 15 seconds Calculate the mean (average) times.
Answer: They run from one end of the playground to the other end of the playground. They measure the time to complete the run. They repeat the run with umbrellas (a) Class 7 write down their results. no umbrella = 10 seconds with umbrella = 14 seconds no umbrella = 8 seconds with umbrella = 9 seconds no umbrella = 7 seconds with umbrella = 13 seconds no umbrella = 11 seconds with umbrella = 15 seconds Calculate the mean (average) times.