English, asked by mohitekkame, 1 year ago

a write note on the different type of questions, giving examples


Answered by priyashiju

Questioning is a natural behaviour and it starts from a very early age when we are children and continues till the end. We ask questions, simply because we need answers. Questions are asked for various reasons in various situations when one is searching for solutions, answers, information etc. They are basic tools that help humans grow and develop. Questions can be asked to gain knowledge, to clarify doubts, to know the reality or truth behind an incident, out of curiosity, to make complicated issues simpler, to resolve issues, to start a conversation, to share ideas, to make a plan, etc. Children persistently ask a lot of questions all the time, and they learn and increase their knowledge that way.

There is an old English Proverb, “He that nothing questions, nothing learns”.

Note: As a little note, this hub can be used as reference for people who are working towards any qualifications in customer service and mostly NVQ Level 2 or Level 3 Diploma or certificate in Customer Services. This can be used as reference for the unit below:

Unit A3: Communicate effectively with customers

How do you use questions to check what customers are telling you?

People who work in customer services, medical services, schools, legal services, social services and in almost all services need to have good questioning skills. Just being a good listener is not enough, you also need to know to ask the right questions to get as much details or information as necessary. Questioning skills help you gather more quality information, help you learn a lot by questioning, helps others learn, helps build better relationships and helps to manage problems and people effectively


There are many types of questions that can be used for questioning techniques. A few basic ones that are important are listed below.

Open questionsClosed questionsFunnel questionsProbing questionsLeading questionsRhetorical questions

One should know all the different types of questions, when to use which type of questions and how to combine the different techniques to arrive at the best decision or result.

10 Tips for Effective Questioning

Open questions - Open questions ask for elaborate / explanatory answers and they begin with what, why, how, describe, explain, where, which, when etc. It can be questions asking someone to explain what happened at a situation or place, asking why it happened, asking for details of an incident, history of some happenings, explanation about their circumstances, explanation of needs, thoughts about something, ideas and feedback. Open questions help with a two way conversation and builds up an interest in the conversation. Some examples are

What happened at the conference today?Could you please describe your needs and current circumstances?What do you think about this conclusion / discussion?Who were present at this incident?How did you arrive at this conclusion?
Answered by Shaizakincsem

Types of questions.


  • Question is actually called the nature of a person.
  • When we start growing we start asking different questions.
  • There is an old English Proverb, “He that nothing questions, nothing learns”.
  • It shows that questioning is not a bad thing.
  • There are some questions that are asked for an inquiry.
  • There are some which we ask to learn new things.
  • Some are asked to make taunts.
  • It depends upon the tone of a person and the situation.

Learn more about it.

How many types are there in pully type questions?


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