Biology, asked by Afxan572, 1 year ago

About aloe vera plant in 300 words its scientific name , uses, family, genus


Answered by AnushreeSinha

Heya mate....

Here's your answer

Aloe vera was considered to one of best medicinal plants used in the treatment of various health conditions. It was first understood by Egyptians to having multiple nature of it properties [19]. But Aloe Vera was first discovered in 1862 by German Egyptologist -George Fbers. But its first English translation was found in 1655 by John Goodyear in Dioscorider’ de materia medica, and he wrote aloe is very better in taste.

Aloe Vera has been used by many different cultures: Indians, Chinese, Greeks, Romans, have all used aloe Vera as a medicinal or healing plant. Botanists have find more than 300 species of aloe Vera like rumex, barbadensis etc. Out of this species, only five have strongest medical benefits likes Aloe barbadensis miller, Aloe perryi baker, Aloe ferox,Aloe saponaria , Aloe arborescens. Aloe barbadensis miller is mostly widely used and most potent as well. Throughout the history of aloe vera, the plant is in various form having tropical properties-refered as ‘plant of immorality’. It is belonging to lily family because flower produce annually in the spring which resembles of ester lily.Aloe Vera grows in to the dreary climates or land. So it is mostly found in the India, Africa, Caribbean, and other dry climates.

Aloe Vera is a short stem or stems less plant. It mainly contains leaves and flowers. Aloe leaves are in green in colour and thick with the same variety. The size of leaves is 50-60 cm long and 4-5 cm thick. The margin of the leaves is serrated. But plants bear flowers once in a year in summer season. Flowers contain tubular collar which is yellow in colour and contain ‘aloe tic’ juice can be collected by cutting the leaves close to stem. The structure of aloe leaf shows an outer cortex which is hard duo to the present of calcium and magnesium. Tubes of xylem and phloem were found below the cortex and its supplied water and minerals to leaves.

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