Math, asked by amityadav40, 1 year ago

AC and BC of a triangle ABC intersect each other at point P if triangle ABC is equal to 50 find the angle DPC


Answered by YashRajshroff


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student-nameDivyangana Bhaskar asked in Math

the diagonals AC and BD of a rectangle ABCD intersect each other at P. if angle ABD = 50 degree, then angle DPC =

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student-nameTushar Kohli answered this

7598 helpful votes in Math, Class X

Given: Angle ABD = Angle ABP = 500

Angle PBC + Angle ABP = 900 (Each angle of a rectangle is a right angle)

Angle PBC = 400

Now, PB = PC (Diagonals of a rectangle are equal and bisect each other)


Angle BCP = 400 (Equal sides has equal angles)

In triangle BPC,

Angle BPC + Angle PBC + Angle BCP = 1800 (Angle sum property of a triangle)

Angle BPC = 1000

Angle BPC + Angle DPC = 1800 (Angles in a straight line)

Angle DPC = 1800 - 1000 = 800.

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student-nameDivyangana Bhaskar answered this

121 helpful votes in Math, Class XII-Science

the answer in this question is 80 degree.

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student-nameBhavya Verma answered this

5 unhelpful votes in Math, Class XII-Science

first prove that abcd is a llgm. by the prop. that 2 pairs of opp. sides are equal then its a llgm.

now we know that the diadonals of a llgm. bisect each other.

therefore DP=PB

hence DPA+BPA=180 linear pair

DPA+DPA=180 since Dp=Bp



Bpa = 90

now in triangle apb and dpc

BPA=DPC vert. opp. angles


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