Copy and answer the questions below. You can base Activity 1 for your answers Write
your answers in a sheet of paper
1. What happened to the solid material when they were hammered?
2. Was a new material formed when solid material was hammered?
3. Explain the phases each material underwent as hammering was applied
1. Some solids when hammered they break into several peaces but dome don't. Examples of solids that break: Brick, Pencil Box etc. Examples of solids that don't break: Silver,Gold,Platinum etc.
2. No new materials are formed.
3 Some solids tend to break into peaces and some don't because they can be breakable or they can't be. And no new material is formed as it is physically being hit by the hammer, if there is a chemical change that changes the property a new material will be formed.
Copy and answer the questions below. You can base Activity 1 for your answers Write
your answers in a sheet of paper
1. What happened to the solid material when they were hammered?
Some solids when hammered they break into several peaces but dome don't. Examples of solids that break: Brick, Pencil Box etc. Examples of solids that don't break: Silver,Gold,Platinum etc.
2. Was a new material formed when solid material was hammered?
No new materials are formed.
3. Explain the phases each material underwent as hammering was applied
Some solids tend to break into peaces and some don't because they can be breakable or they can't be. And no new material is formed as it is physically being hit by the hammer, if there is a chemical change that changes the property a new material will be formed.