all french proverbs of class 10 cbse
À cœur vaillant rien d'impossible. —> Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.("To a valiant heart nothing impossible.")
À l'impossible nul n'est tenu. —> No one is bound to do the impossible. ("To the impossible, no one is bound")
À quelque chose malheur est bon. —> Every cloud has a silver lining. ("Unhappiness is good for something.")
Après la pluie le beau temps. —> Every cloud has a silver lining. ("After the rain, the nice weather.")
L'arbre cache souvent la forêt. —> Can't see the forest for the trees. ("The tree often hides the forest.")
Aussitôt dit, aussitôt fait. —> No sooner said than done. ("Immediately said, immediately done.")
Autres temps, autres mœurs. —> Times change. ("Other times, other customs.")
Aux grands maux les grands remèdes. —> Desperate times call for desperate measures. ("To the great evils great remedies.")
Avec des si (et des mais), on mettrait Paris en bouteille. —> If if's and and's were pots and pans there'd be no work for tinkers' hands. ("With ifs (and buts), one would put Paris in a bottle.")
Battre le fer pendant qu'il est chaud. —> To strike while the iron is hot. ("To hit the iron while it's hot.")