.‘All parental acts are for the betterment of the children.’ It is true. However, one has to
make efforts through trials and errors shedding off one’s early hesitations and fears to succeed
in any enterprise. Justify this statement by taking points from the lesson ‘His First Flight’.
Sometimes parents have to take strict actions against their children to help them conquer some of their fears. Parents learn from experiences and wish that their children would do the same. An example, from the first flight is that there was as seagull who was afraid of flying.
His younger siblings would fly fearlessly and he refused to fly due to his fear. His parents used hunger as a driving factor by threatening to starve him. Since, obviously survival in this world is the key, his starvation got the best of him and he dove at a piece of fish which his mother. He forgot the fear and actually flew in the air. This story had a moral that sometimes the fear gets to you and you must conquer it, for it is all in your head.
All parental acts are indeed for the betterment for their children. In this chapter the acts of parents were not to make the child suffer but to use starvation as a motivating factor to help him nudge towards conquering his fears. Which helped him and he overcame his weakness.
‘All parental acts are for the betterment of the children.’ It is true.
However, one has to make efforts through trials and errors shedding off one’s early hesitations and fears to succeed in any enterprise.'
In the story, his first flight, we notice how the baby seagull remained apprehensive about flying above the sea on his own for the very first time, but when his parents left him on his own, he did make a successful attempt.