Ammonia burns in excess oxygen. Give observation. Can we write this answer? :Ammonia reacts with O2 forming laughing gas ( in the presence of Pt at 800° C ) and this NO reacts with excess of O2 forming reddish brown nitrogen dioxide.My friends have written ammonia burns with excess O2 to give greenish yellow flame. But in this reaction oxygen is not in excess.4NH3+3O2=2N2+6H20So how is this correct ? Please tell if my answer is correct or not. Please consult different teachers also if you can. Please answer fast!Thanks
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Answer nitrogen oxide
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Observation results for the burning of ammonia in excess of oxygen.
- The reaction of ammonia with excess oxygen in the presence of a catalyst is called catalytic oxidation of ammonia.
- In this process, platinum is used as a catalyst. As ammonia cannot reduce platinum at room temperature, platinum is heated.
- To the reactant, mixture oxygen is added which oxidizes ammonia leading to the formation of nitric acid which is also called laughing gas.
- when this gas is reacted with oxygen, it leads to the production of nitrogen dioxide.
- The correct order of reaction involved is as follows:
- Thus the first observation is considered correct, whereas the second is incorrect.
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