an to assist her. As he enter
Put the following nouns in the appropriate boxen
Delhi, cat, generosity, doll, British, brick, announcement, drum, bouquet, China, group,
Ganga, crowd, attachment, army, duty, ant, Chile, gang, beauty
Abstract Noun
Collective Noun
Common Noun
Proper Noun
Answered by
- Collective noun
- Bouquet
- Army
- group
- Crowd
- Proper noun
- British
- Ganga
- ant
- Chile
- China
- Delhi
- Abstract noun
- Attachment
- Duty
- Beauty
- generosity
- announcement
- Common noun
- Doll
- Drum
- Brick
- Cat
Answered by
◆ Common Nouns
Cat, Doll, Doctor, Announcement
◆. Proler Nouns
Delhi, British, China, Ganga, Chile
◆ Collective Nouns
Bouquet, Group, Crowd, Army, Gang
◆ Material Nouns
Nylon, Copper, Cotton, Silk, Wood, Steel
◆ Abstract Nouns
Generosity, Attachment, Duty, Beauty
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