English, asked by vasu83, 1 year ago

application for transfer certificate for 2nd class


Answered by jenifferdsouza2708

To, The Principal 'School name' 'City' Dear Sister, Please furnish me with the school leaving certificate of my ward.The necessary particulars are given below Pupil's name ______(in capital) Father's name _____ Class___ Section____ Year of admission____ Reason for leave ______ If transferred,indicate within state or interstate____ In case of interstate transfer-deposit for counter signature of inspector is required Amt_______is paid/unpaid Local contact_____  Yours faithfully Signature____ Parent/gaurdian

Answered by SelieVisa



The Headmaster,

Academic HSS,

ABC Town.

Subject: Request for issue of Transfer Certificate.

Respected Sir,

I beg to inform you that the company in which my father works has shifted its office to another town. As such, our family will be moving from this town to another one.

Therefore, I humbly request you to issue me a Transfer Certificate to enable me to take admission in a new school.

I will always remain grateful to you for your kind act.

Your obedient student,



Roll No.

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