English, asked by bainsdiksha4, 1 year ago

article on" My God is my biggest support"


Answered by AlaxNeon


There are two divergent opinions in Hinduism (and a range of ideas in between) about whether God controls our lives, and if so to what extent, and in what circumstances. One is that God is the Supreme Lord of All. He controls everything and is wholly responsible for our lives and actions. According to this view, nothing happens without his will or against his will. Everything is predetermined. If you want to change your fate, you have to seek God’s intervention through devotion. This is the fatalistic view.

The other school of thought is that God does not control our lives at all. He is a passive witness, who remains in the background as the enjoyer of all. He may be responsible for creation, but within the created worlds, he remains uninvolved. In the mortal world, human beings have the freedom to control their lives with the help of Nature or the lower gods and be the masters of their destinies according to their actions.

These two opinions prevailed even during the time of the Buddha and Mahavira. There was one sect called Ajivikas. The head of the sect, Gosala, was a contemporary of the two. The sect believed in the doctrine of fate (vidhi). According to them human lives were predetermined by fate or divine order (niyati), and there was nothing much anyone could do. Therefore, they asked people to make the best of their lives, living passively and not exerting themselves.

Opposed to them were others who believed in the doctrine of karma. According to them God was either nonexistent or passive. He played no role in human life or in existence. The so-called fate was predetermined and shaped by one’s own actions. Beings (jivas) reaped rewards or punishments according to their actions. Therefore, it was individual and collective karma and sacrifices performed for the sake of gods to nourish them and appease them, which determined the progress and the fate of the world and beings upon earth.

Both views have the support even today. However, neither school is correct. The truth is somewhere in between. At the highest level, God controls the orderly progression of all the worlds and beings, and the entire creation. At the individual levels, he seems to be passive and offers only conditional support in exceptional and deserving cases when they worship him and seek his help. Those who worship gods (devas) and perform sacrifices for them may fulfill their desires, but it will not ensure their liberation. They go to those gods and return again.To obtain God’s help, you must have a genuine relationship with him based upon high values. Imagine you have a friend. You do not pay him any attention, do not believe that he is capable, do not have faith in his abilities or skills, and do not take him into confidence at all, besides ignoring him and acting as if he does not exist at all. In that situation, if you have problem or an emergency do you think you can expect any help from him on his own?

If you directly ask him without showing any attitude, perhaps he may help you, or may not respond. However, if you do not bother to ask him at all, thinking that he is not worth approaching, he may not even respond. A similar situation develops when you do not believe in God or when you ignore him or approach him with an egoistic, selfish attitude. Close friends help you when you build trust, opening your heart to them and treating them like yourself. Strangers do not. If you treat God like a stranger, you may not receive much help.

The truth is, according to our scriptures God has no interest or disinterest in the world. He is detached, indifferent, equal to all his creation and aloof from everyone, even though he is engaged in preserving and protecting the worlds for the sake of Dharma. He does not infringe himself upon you if you do not want him to be part of your life or believe that you can take care of your life all by yourself. Since he is a positive force and does not want to disturb anyone, he is always in harmony with you, whether you like him or not, and lets you have your way.

Therefore, if you believe he does not exist, he will not try to prove himself to you. Instead, he will become silent, passive or nonexistent to let you enjoy your vindication and make you feel happy and proud. This is true both at the macrocosmic and microcosmic levels. God is infinite and indescribable. He cannot be reduced into a mental concept without compromising truth. Therefore, whatever notion of God you have is but your reflection, imagination, creation or projection. For the believers, he is, and for the nonbelievers he is not.

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