English, asked by smartmanan7, 1 year ago

ASL ON Impact of media on society
With 2 questions


Answered by abhi1824


This is not a simple question. There are many scientifically-documented effects, some of which could be considered intentional (e.g., advertising effects, educational media effects, etc.) and some of which could be considered unintentional (e.g., school performance, media violence effects, perceptual skill enhancement, etc.). Whether you consider these "positive" or "negative" greatly depends on point of view. For example, if violent media can desensitize, this is probably a good thing from the point of view of the military and a bad thing from the point of view of most parents.

This set of issues is one of the most studied things - so there is lots of research out there and many many books. This area is, however, subject to many biases and political pressures. So be thoughtful about the quality of the science that the books are based on. Probably the best place to start is with the handbooks, such as:

Singer & Singer (2012). Handbook of children and the media (2nd Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Calvert & Wilson (2008). The handbook of children, media, and development. Malden, MA: Blackwell

There is also a good textbook: Strasburger, Wilson, & Jordan (2009). Children, adolescents, and the media (2nd Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage


I am working on my doctoral thesis regarding social media effects on political participation. I think about doing a empirical study. I figure out some indpendent variables, i.e., politically use of socia media (searching for news, participating political conversation with others online, online social networking size), also some mediators, i.e., political interest, political efficacy, and dependent variable as political partipation online and offline.

I decided to design some questions measuring the political participation in China. But I can not. I red Political Participation in Beijing by Tianjian Shi and I am still confused somehow. Can anyone recommed some books or papers?


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