Assignment on importance of birds and animals in our life
Birds are important to humans in many ways; they are a source of food and fertilizer.
Birds are important to the ecosystem in many ways;
they pollinate flowers and disperse seeds.
You are probably familiar with birds as food. People have always hunted birds for food. People eventually discovered that certain wild fowl (ducks, chickens, turkeys) could be tamed. This discovery led to the development of poultry, which is domesticated fowl that farmers raise for meat and eggs. Chickens are probably the oldest kinds of poultry. Chickens were domesticated in Asia at least 3,000 years ago. Since then, farmers have developed other poultry, including ducks, geese, guineafowl, pheasants, and turkeys. Around the world, people consume all these birds, and even more exotic birds, like ostriches. Today, chickens rank as the most widely raised poultry by far. Farmers throughout the world produce hundreds of millions of chickens annually for meat and eggs.
Animal scientists can protect human health. It is important for scientists to study how diseases spread between humans and animals. Scientists can also use animals as models for humans. ... And zoos rely on animal scientists to establish breeding programs, nutrition programs and help preserve exotic wildlife.