English, asked by kawalpreet1101, 4 months ago

(B) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:
After we got independence, we in India have been trying to raise our
standard of living. Through progress has not been as quick as we could have
wished, there is no doubt that, we have been moving steadily towards our
goals. We have almost enough food for our huge population, thanks to the
revolution in agriculture. We have also built a strong industrial base. We
have been trying to distribute land more fairly. Apart from all this we have
been trying to find employment for our youth with partial success. These and
other problems would no doubt become manageable if we could check the
steep growth of our population.
(a)Make suitable notes on the following passage and supply a suitable title.5
(b)Make a summary of the following passage.


Answered by unnatibihani1611

Read it yourself and aswer it

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