English, asked by shreyalag6517, 8 months ago

b)Write an article on 'Covid-19 - It's Impact on the global world' in
100120 words. You are Rashmi/Rohan


Answered by Anonymous


Confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), which first appeared in China at the end of last year, now exceed 115,000 as of March 10 and are likely to climb significantly higher. While over two-thirds of the total confirmed cases are in mainland China, the vast majority of new cases reported since February 25 have occurred outside the country. What was initially seen as a largely China-centric shock is now understood to be a global crisis. The virus’s spread has regrettably borne out analysts’ downside scenarios, with investors digesting the implications of disrupted supply chains, official containment measures, and spillovers from the real economy to financial markets. A decision by two of the world’s largest energy producers to maintain current levels of production, despite falling energy prices, has further unnerved investors while questions about governments’ abilities to mount an effective and coordinated response linger. The increased uncertainty has led to financial market volatility last seen during the global financial crisis.

What will be the impact of COVID-19 on the economy?

The extent of the damage will depend on how quickly the virus is contained, the steps authorities take to contain it, and how much economic support governments are willing to deploy during the epidemic’s immediate impact and aftermath.

Early indications of COVID-19’s impact on the Chinese economy are worse than initially forecast. Surveys of China’s manufacturing and services sector plunged to record lows in February, automobile sales sank a record 80 percent, and China’s exports fell 17.2 percent in January and February. The official data confirmed a widespread slowdown in economic activity foreshadowed in low pollution levels and depressed shipping traffic, among other informal barometers. Analysts have sharply revised down estimates of Chinese growth, with many now predicting a drop in first quarter GDP, the first contraction since China began reporting quarterly data in 1992. As COVID-19 spreads, China’s economic recovery will be challenged as demand from other countries drops as they cope with the virus.

Although the outbreak appears to have slowed in China, COVID-19 and its impacts have gone global. Infections are mounting in Europe, South Korea, Iran, the United States, and elsewhere, with authorities implementing increasingly restrictive measures to contain the virus. Europe and Japan are likely already in recession territory given their weak fourth quarter performance and high reliance on trade. While the United States entered the crisis with a tailwind, some analysts are forecasting a contraction in U.S. GDP in the second quarter. Estimates of the global impact vary: early last week, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) predicted that COVID-19 will lower global GDP growth by one-half a percentage point for 2020 (from 2.9 to 2.4 percent); Bloomberg Economics warns that full-year GDP growth could fall to zero in a worst-case pandemic scenario.

Answered by manil54




The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, which originated in the city of Wuhan, China, has quickly spread to various countries, with many cases having been reported worldwide.

COVID 19 (Corovavirus disease 2019) is a deadly respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2019 virus (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2019).

This viral infection is characterized by symptoms:

high temperature fever,

difficulty breathing,

dry cough,

loss of sense function

inflammation of the respiratory tract,

pneumonia or slimy lungs.

Most people who are affected by COVID-19 are likely to experience mild symptoms and return to normal conditions, but this virus is deadly to vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, overweight people (obese), smokers, diabetics and asthma.

This disease is easily spread by:

Through droplets from coughing or sneezing in the air, from disease sufferers

From the surface of the virus that is touched and then entered the body when the hand touches the mouth, eyes or nose

Close contact (less than 1 meter) when chatting or shaking hands

This disease is very contagious because it can be spread by patients who do not or have not shown symptoms of illness (asymptomatic).

To prevent the spread, cleanliness of the environment must be maintained by using a mask, so that the virus does not spread. We also need to clean the hands with soap and sanitizer, because the virus can stick to the surface of objects and enter the body when the face is touched by the affected surface

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