basic of classification of monera protista fungi plantae animalia ?
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Kingdom monera: organisms of this Kingdom don't possess well developed nucleus.nuclear membrane, nucleolus and membranous organelles are absent.most of the organisms have rigid cell wall.
Kingdom protista: this group includes many kinds of unicellular eukaryotic organisms.they possess a well nucleus.they often have hair like cilia or whip like flagella for locomotion.membraneous organelles like mitochondria, Golgi body , etc are also present.
Kingdom fungi: some may be parasitic also. the cell wall is made up of chitin and cellulose.mitochondria with flat cristae. organelles like lomasomes which are responsible for chemical constitution of cell wall and scattered ribosome a are representative characters of fungi.
Kingdom plantae: these are multicellular and eukaryotic organisms with cell wall.
cell wall is rigid and made up of cellulose.
Kingdom animalia: this animal kingdom in which all multicellular and eukaryotic organisms are included .they don't possess cell wall .they show heterotopic mode of nutrition.they could be free living parasitic or symbiotic.
hope that helps!:)
Kingdom protista: this group includes many kinds of unicellular eukaryotic organisms.they possess a well nucleus.they often have hair like cilia or whip like flagella for locomotion.membraneous organelles like mitochondria, Golgi body , etc are also present.
Kingdom fungi: some may be parasitic also. the cell wall is made up of chitin and cellulose.mitochondria with flat cristae. organelles like lomasomes which are responsible for chemical constitution of cell wall and scattered ribosome a are representative characters of fungi.
Kingdom plantae: these are multicellular and eukaryotic organisms with cell wall.
cell wall is rigid and made up of cellulose.
Kingdom animalia: this animal kingdom in which all multicellular and eukaryotic organisms are included .they don't possess cell wall .they show heterotopic mode of nutrition.they could be free living parasitic or symbiotic.
hope that helps!:)
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