causes of kerela flood (natural)or (man )
Causes of flood in Kerala are humans
Aloha user Ur question is that causes of kerala flood natural or man First of all Flood :- it is a disaster which cause most of the damage Im also from kerala , this flood can be by manmade as well as natural event The natural rain had become heavy disasterous rain in many parts of kerala in the form of flood , kerala abt 300 people some thing lost there life ,.........lost home there money , house and also some impoertant documents ACTUALLY WE CAN SAY IT THE FLOOD IS DUE TO MAN ITSELF BECAUSE THEY ARE BUILDING THERE HOUSE IN PLACE WHERE THE RIVER SHOULD FLOW DUE TO OVER CONSTRUCTION OF FLATS ETC................... ACTUALLY THESE ACTIVITIES .....CONSTRUCTION ARE ALL DONE BY RICH PEOPLE BUT NOW TGE RICH AS WELL AS POOR ARE SUFFERING BOTH MAN MADE AS WELL AS NATURAL ONE IS THE KERALAS FLOOD