chapi ka sandhi vichhed
Amongst 50 customers there will at least be five who will end up rubbing merchants the
wrong way. Now, reacting to such folk with appeasement and guilt is utter naivety,
whereas with constant support from the owners comes a sense of loyalty amongst the
employees who than provide better facility to the customers and happy employees
always go an extra mile to make customer happy.
It is sometimes sensible to lose a customer for protecting the company and its
workforce. Undoubtedly excellent customer service is the crux of any business but
adopting the principle of ‘the customer is always right’, eventually hurts the business by
demotivating employees, giving power to offensive customers, and also by creating bad
experiences for the other customers.vii. What is undoubtedly the crux of any business as mentioned in this the passage?
(a) Good aesthetics and ethics
(b) Motivated employees
(c) Excellent management
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