English, asked by skarshadali3206, 1 year ago

character is destiny essay


Answered by omkhengle4


Character is destiny. Heraclitus, Greek philosopher (c. 540-c. 475 B.C.)

This famous quote has birthed many ideas and philosophies about life and our final destination. Similarly, in Thomas Hardy's The Mayor of Casterbridge, issues about life, character, fate and destiny are explored. Ironically, the quote about character being our destiny is being challenged and questioned over and over again in the context of this tragic novel.

Indeed, Henchard is a victim of his own delusions. He has falsely believed and is being psychotically driven to accept a misconception about who he truly is. Constituting to his life's outcome was because of his daunting past that was caused by his own

foolishness in his moment of weakness. Should that…show more content…

His earnest and sincere desire to right these past wrongs and his awakening that he deserves to suffer for them, accounts for his suffering as much as any malignant force of the universe. Could this possibly be the reason why he was fated for such turn of events in his life? Or did his perception mislead him into thinking that he would pay the heavy price for his unseemly actions of the past? Perhaps, if Henchard had not been possessed by the devastating delusion of his mind, he would not have to suffer for a series of unfortunate events following by his state of disrepute. There is, however an important document in this novel that depicts the true Henchard personality and somewhat a form of surrealism in expressing what is hidden in his mind and the core of his soul. Many familiar traits of Henchard are reflected in his will both explicitly and implicitly as well. MICHAEL HENCHARD'S WILL That Elizabeth-Jane Farfrae be not told of my death, or made to grieve on account of me. & that I be not bury'd in consecrated ground. & that no sexton be asked to toll the bell. & that nobody is wished to see my dead body. & that no murners walk behind me at my funeral. & that no flours be planted on my

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Manifest Destiny

1327 Words | 6 Pages

Manifest Destiny is a term used to describe the reason behind the US expansion into the West. What are the social, political and economical effects of this idea on the people living in the United States colonies and the West? Manifest Destiny is a term coined by John L.



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