English, asked by DEEPANSH786, 1 year ago

character sketch of helen killer in 150 words



Answered by BARUNCOOL11
Helen Keller was born in Alabama on june 27,1880.When she was just nineteen months old she suffered a serious illness due to which she completely lost her sense of hearing as well as sight.initially she devised gestures to make herself understood and was quite independent.she would do all the daily chores and be the active member of the family.But then over the years she got frustrated and hostile.Her parents relised she needed a special teacher and when she was six years old  a teacher by the name Anne Sullivan was appointed with the help of Alexander Graham Bell.The Character She is considered as one of the heroic figures who had overcome extreme hardship inorder to achieve her life time goals and aims of life.Though she found herself completely drowned is silence and darkness she began to learn to read and write mainly due to her persistence and perseverance.Not to mention the support of her teacher and the parents.She always craved to communicate with the world around and get connected to them.She loved the outdoors and longed to experience it.By the brilliant use of words and concepts  she could not only understand the physical world  but also the world of concepts,ideas and emotions.This ability to communicate made her persue her career as a  leturere and writer.
Answered by spchandu2002
The Story of My Life by Helen Keller reveals many of the occurrences of her childhood and many of the influences in her life. Her father, Arthur H Keller has a huge impact on Helen's development, tirelessly looking for methods and people to help her. Helen's father, a captain in the Confederate Army, has been married before and Helen's mother Kate is much younger than he. Helen remembers Captain Keller as a loving father who takes great pleasure in pleasing his daughter. He is proud of his garden and grows the best grapes, berries, watermelons and strawberries and Helen is always the first to taste the sweet, ripe grapes. He knows that Helen also loves the garden, "the paradise of my childhood" (ch 2) and relsihes leading her through the garden. He is also an accomplished hunter and a gracious host to regular guests. As a newspaper editor, Helen, as a blind and deaf girl, is often perplexed by his work as, even when she puts his glasses on, she can still not conclude what he might be doing and only years later can she understand his occupation. He also tells Helen, after she has learnt the manual alphabet, thus setting "my spirit free," anecdotes which Helen recalls at "opportune moments," (ch 2) thus bringing her father much delight.  A breakthrough for the family, after being "grieved and perplexed (ch 3) comes when Helen's father takes her to see a Dr Chisolm who then refers them to Dr Alexander Graham Bell and he is the first step towards "the door through which I should pass from darkness into light." (ch 3)

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