character sketch of kautilya in 100 words
Kautilya, Chanakya or Visnugupta is considered as one of the most able politician and minister in the Indian history. He was a philosopher and a statesman of outstanding class and his classic compilation on material success and polity- ‘Arthasashtra’ is valued even today. Kautilya had a great influence behind the rise of Chandra Gupta Maurya, the commencer of the great Mauryan dynasty.
Born to a Brahmin family during the third century BC, Kautilya studied in Taxila, one of the famous centers of education at that time. His father Rishi Canak was a teacher himself. Kautilya was attracted towards political studies from an early age and with his education and experience he developed into a great political strategist.
After completing his education, Kautilya started teaching in Taxila but left for Pataliputra, a very important and prosperous city. Pataliputra at that time was ruled by Dhanananda. Kautilya became the President of Sungha or Trust which controlled the Royal charity. Dhanananda removed Kautilya from the post without any reasons and utterly insulted- he promised to dethrone him. At this juncture he met Chandra Gupta a bright young man of royal blood. Under the guidance of Kautilya, Chandra Gupta defeated the Nanda King and established the famous Maurya empire.
mrk it as brainliest......
Kautilya was also known as Vishnuguptha and Chanakya.
He was the advisor and Prime minister of chandragupta.
Kautilya has multi personality. We have been described as a great teacher, shrewd statesman, devoted patriot, deep thinker, ruthless administrator, master strategist, selfless ascetic, ideal philosopher and true saint. He is called all-rounder because he got mastery in all the branches of knowledge.
He was a philosopher and a statesman of outstanding class and his classic compilation on material success and polity- ‘Arthasashtra’ is valued even today. Kautilya had a great influence behind the rise of Chandra Gupta Maurya, the commencer of the great Mauryan dynasty.