Classify the dresources of level of development
On the basis of the status of development, resources are classified into four groups, namely potential, developed, stock and reserve. ... (ii) Developed Resources : Developed resources are those which are estimated in terms of their quantity and quality for utilisation, e.g., water, soil, forests
Let us first try to understand what resources are:
Any thing that is important for survival of humans and satisfies every human need is called a resource. It is something that we value.
There are two types of resources:
Natural Resources: A natural resource is anything that people can use which comes from the natural environment. Examples of natural resources are air, water, wood etc.
Man-made Resources: Man made resources is defined as a resourcecreated by humans. It does not occur naturally and is produced and consumed by humans. Exqmples are: plastic, paper etc.
Classify the resources on the basis of status of development.
As already discussed about Natural resources they can be further classified on the basis of different categories.
we need to write about the classification of resources on the basis of status of development.
On the basis of status of development resources can be classified as:-
1) Potential resources:
The resources which have the potential to be developed and are present in abundance.
example: wind energy in Rajasthan.
2)Developed Resources:
The resources which are fully developed and are being used fall under this category.
Example: iron ore , petroleum products etc.
Resources which are found the environment, which can satisfy human needs but humans don’t have the technology to use them for this purpose.
Example: water has hydrogen and oxygen. Which can be used as a source of energy.
Subset of stock which can put to use using existing technical know how. But their use has not started. They can satisfy future needs.